When the opportunity presents itself...

08/22/2012 17:32

After working in a language immersion camp kitchen for my entire summer, I am fully prepared to whip up a meal for 250+ people whenever the opportunity arises! I had a wonderful time getting the chance to talk and work with other cooks from all over the WORLD! ...Sounds like a pretty amazing feat, huh? With the new recipes I will be posting, I promise that anyone can learn to cook in regards to a specific culture for a massive quantity of customers...all while staying sane and not following exact (amount based) recipes!

My favorite breakfast recipe that accounts for vegan, vegetarian, and gluten free lifestyles are oatmeal pancakes, which I have posted already on this website! It was definitely a favorite amidst the special diet campers and staff members!

Life tip for today- once you find something you love and are passionate about, go for it and don't look back! This is especially true for the entire high school junior and seniors out there- take this important time of your life in your own hands and make what you want of it! The whole college process is a once in a lifetime opportunity where YOU get to take charge of the wheel that will transform into the rest of your life...so be 'selfish' and don't wait for anybody else to get your work done for you!



