
Unexpected Kindness

10/03/2013 15:41

"Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change. Kindness that catches us by surprise brings out the best in our natures."

I came across this quote, and have been really thinking of the deeper meaning it has for quite a while now. This really is the essence of our life in general, and how we should aim to live, impacting others in a positive light, through even the simplest of measures.

This has everything to do in fact with this website and the motives behind it. It is not uncommon for friends and family members to forget that I can’t eat anything with gluten in it. This can make social situations awkward at times, as my own dietary situation often will slip their minds when preparing food...resulting in me sitting in front of an empty plate for the entire meal. I have been put in situations where I show up to a gathering, and even after giving a heads up to whoever is planning the menu, the only gluten free item is water.

This is not a good feeling. I love trying new and unexpected things, as there is so much you can learn about a culture by the food they consume. I have a couple people in my life who seem to go to the end of the world and back to make sure that wherever we are, I will not be left out from the fun & they will continually stick up for me and remind others of my food allergy.

This kindness is often unexpected in the moment, and catches me by surprise.

Another example- My family went out for lunch a few days ago and bought cupcakes from the restaurant. When they came home, there was a beautiful champagne colored cupcake with swirled frosting, dusted in light pink crystals, just for me. I had not asked or even expected one. This gesture cost my family nearly nothing, but to me it meant the world. Now, I know you are probably thinking I am a food addict who lives to eat, and just can't stop talking about all the things I can or cannot eat. This is not the case, however. My goal when I created Naturally-Freed, was to promote wellness for all, and help others realize that although their diets may be limited, they still deserve to eat good food.

Try this- if your friend is lactose intolerant, and you are both attending the same gathering that will without a doubt involve ice ahead and request that the host supply soy ice cream! Your friend will be blown away at the effort you made so they could be (essentially) a normal consumer.

Like I said, it's the small things that make a difference.



There is a Rainbow after every Storm

09/26/2012 13:21

It's funny how things always seem to work out for the better, even if at first it seems like all hope is lost. When I was diagnosed with my severe gluten allergy (wow, a year ago now!), thoughts were running through my more fresh, savory French toast bagels from the local bagel shop, good bye to my mom's famous penne ala vodka that we eat to celebrate all major holidays and is my birthday meal every year, and adios to my favorite meals from Little Italy (think pasta with alfrado sauce, margarita pizza...). Well, minus these few setbacks, this diagnosis has actually ENHANCED my life. People are absolutely fascinated when they find out I cannot digest gluten, and want to know everything about my dietary regimen. It's actually helped me start conversations with many people, and connect with people I meet at my job at a locally famed cafe. Customers are intrigued and WANT to talk about how they were diagnosed with their particular allergy, where some local hot spots are that we can eat at, and truly want to know my recommendations for them regarding the cafe's menu. I am a special case luckily, and am intrigued with all things nutrition wise, so am a good person to request food, meals, and restaurants to fit any restrictions! This unique fact about me has helped me in many other ways as well- through having a genuine topic to write about for major papers in my life and enhancing my already love of nutrition, and expanding to a love of food allergies and restrictions as well. My life goal is to help people live as normal lives as possible. I want to work with inner citie families and school systems and teach them how to provide proper nutrition on a low income, I want to travel to Africa and South America where I can teach large villages the importance of using their resources to better provide for all of their people, and I will use my knowledge of Spanish and Mandarin Chinese to help families create their favorite family recipes, but in a new and healthier way. As the old saying goes, there is a rainbow after every just have to use the opportunity when it presents itself!

Some of my favorites right now:

Edamame with sea salt, flavored sparkling water, and the song "Send Me On My Way," by Rusted Root

Now go out there and look for your rainbow!


When the opportunity presents itself...

08/22/2012 17:32

After working in a language immersion camp kitchen for my entire summer, I am fully prepared to whip up a meal for 250+ people whenever the opportunity arises! I had a wonderful time getting the chance to talk and work with other cooks from all over the WORLD! ...Sounds like a pretty amazing feat, huh? With the new recipes I will be posting, I promise that anyone can learn to cook in regards to a specific culture for a massive quantity of customers...all while staying sane and not following exact (amount based) recipes!

My favorite breakfast recipe that accounts for vegan, vegetarian, and gluten free lifestyles are oatmeal pancakes, which I have posted already on this website! It was definitely a favorite amidst the special diet campers and staff members!

Life tip for today- once you find something you love and are passionate about, go for it and don't look back! This is especially true for the entire high school junior and seniors out there- take this important time of your life in your own hands and make what you want of it! The whole college process is a once in a lifetime opportunity where YOU get to take charge of the wheel that will transform into the rest of your be 'selfish' and don't wait for anybody else to get your work done for you!




Put Your Game Face On.

08/15/2012 20:25

It amazes me how many people, now that I'm not a vegan anymore, completely disregard the fact that I physically cannot eat gluten- not by choice, but because my body just simply rejects it. I have to say though; I don’t miss bread, wheat, or gluten products one bit however. I feel my life is so much more enriched, and I have gotten to broaden my food pallet by not being able to consume the bland food group: bread.


I have the same concerns as any other young person with a dietary obstacle to overcome: What do I do if there’s nothing to eat at my friends party? What if people think I'm just too healthy or too good to have a piece of that deep dish cheese pizza? What if I forget to pack some nuts or a bag of veggies before I go to school and I starve myself to death [because school cafeterias dont cater to people who can’t eat particular food groups]? What if people think I'm obsessed with my gluten allergy because it seems that that’s all I ever talk about & have to explain to people, no matter where I am or what I'm doing. And the golden question: why am I not in Red Carpet-worthy shape...because after all, Kim Kardashian and Miley Cyrus claim eliminating gluten is what transformed their bodies.


Ah, the list goes on. But at some point we must accept the hand we have been dealt, push forth, and do amazing things as the strong, gifted people we all are. Letting go of all worries I had attached to being gluten intolerant was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I focus on all the things I DO have control over, and all the wonderful things I CAN eat, instead of focusing on the "negatives." Some of my obsessions currently include: Good Earth 'Sweet & Spicy' tea, EXTRA sugar-free gum, yogurt and cottage cheese parfait, cut up veggies and hummus, and string cheese!


Life is just too gosh darn short to not enjoy ourselves, as well as mother nature’s delicious gifts! Currently, I am working in the kitchen at a language immersion camp. I am in charge of the special dietary needs menu, where I get to come up with delicious dishes that are inspired from cultures all over the world. I am a true believer that no matter who you are or what your dietary needs may entail, there is absolutely no reason why everyone shouldn't have the opportunity to enjoy foods that are good and healthy for each individuals own body! I am having the time of my life creating an array of new and exciting dishes for hundreds of people each day. There is truly nothing better than seeing someone’s face light up when they see a delicious meal you have made, that they are able to eat without worrying if it will make them sick!


We all have different causes we believe in, but for me, cooking edible meals for every type of person out there is my passion. That is why I have created gives the chance for myself and followers alike to join in the mission to make sure no one goes hungry!


And remember, when all else fails- put your game face on, and hold your head up high!


Its a marathon, not a sprint.

08/08/2012 20:46

Hello again, I guess its been a while since I've written, as I've had some major food lifestyle changes. 

I recognize how healthy an all plant diet (vegan) is for many people, but working at a language immersion camp where I have to accomplish labor enduring tasks for twelve hours, six days a week- I need the extra protein in my body from healthy items like yogurt, cottage cheese, and lean meats.  Since slowly incorporating dairy and lean meats into my day, I feel so much more energetic! For someone who works in a kitchen all summer, a cafe the rest of the year, and loves trying new foods- its hard to stay away from such global food staples!

Being gluten intolerant didn't make being a vegan any easier, as many non dairy or meat replacements often have traces of wheat in them.  I don't regret any of the time I spent not eating meat, and I can see myself becoming a vegan again at a less hectic point in time in my life.

As for now, I will happily eat my yogurt, cheese, and chicken :) .

Just wanted to give a brief update...more blogs to come!

Go on & eat good food now...


A New Lifestyle

07/25/2012 23:14

As a lover of all things food and nutrition related, I get some sort of "thrill" one may say, from trying different food lifestyle changes. I put this into action by adding, on top of my already gluten allergy, a vegan diet plan. I have certainly gotten large amounts of criticism for choosing this way of living, but after having done extensive research on this topic, and learning all of the benefits eliminating animal based foods from your diet can do for your body, it seemed like a no-brainer for me to choose this path. In the past, I had dabbled with the concept of becoming a vegan, only lasting a few weeks at a time due to not having properly researched how to healthily incorporate all of the necessary food groups into my diet. In addition to this, I saw veganism as more of a type of eating, not a way that the body is meant to eat & a soul-fulfilling diet. After reading various books about Ultra-Runners and their famous tendency to drift towards a vegan diet, I was inspired to really give this a try for real. You could say that Eat and Run, Finding Ultra, and Born to Run are truly what led me to discover my full human potential.

I have been a vegan now for a couple months, and love every second of it! I do not miss meat or dairy products whatsoever, and I view these "obstacles" as some may same, in a way that seems to me like a game of staying clear of foods that could be a major contributor to developing heart disease, cancer, or other life threatening illnesses. For me, being vegan is not a hippie approach of trying to convince all people I encounter that eating meat is like downing a glass of poison or pesticides. I do not lecture or preach my beliefs in an obscene way, as I have learned through observing that this is not the way to get people to listen. I am a vegan for me, myself, and I. Don't get me wrong, as an extreme lover of animals, and a dedicated planet lover, these are certainly factors that I take into account every time I pass up ice cream, a container of Greek yogurt, or a deliciously juicy angus beef burger at a summer cookout. For anyone out there who is contemplating developing this lifestyle, please understand this: being a vegan means being healthier than the rest of the population. Period. Less occurrence of obesity, heart disease, cancers, and the list goes on of the benefits of being a vegan. I refuse animal products becasue my body does not need them to function, so why clog my arteries and kill defenseless animals all in an event to just make me sick in years to come anyways?

About Me

07/04/2012 19:04

May 26, 2012
    So just to start off with, I am currently in the process of expanding my recipe venue, so please bear with me as I do see that there is clearly a lack of meals available for suggestion at the time.  ALSO, for all of my readers and website viewers out there, please write into Naturally-Freed by going to the contact form on the tab above....I would LOVE to hear any input or suggestions that you all have!
    Today's topic of interest consists of the many variations of none other then *rice cakes*.  There is a huge range of flavors that you can choose from- anything from ranch, to bbq, carmel, and even cheese.  
    When I'm having a craving for some type of sweet dessert, I turn to either a carmelor plain rice cake with either low-fat strawberry cream cheese, or a thin layer of natural peanut butter topped with either sugar-free raspberry jelly or fresh banana slices.  YUM! Another great way to prepare them is dipping pieces of the rice cake in either hummus or a wedge of laughing cow cheese.  Despite all of these exciting twists to a classic gluten free food, there is nothing wrong with the taste of a plain rice cake...they're crunchy and low calorie.
    My new obsession is a soy chai tea.  Yes, you could go to some brand name coffee shops and buy a $4.45 medium one of these drinks (which I did for the first time today), OR you could follow my usual daily routine...which is way cheaper.  Though at cafe's they often serve iced chai tea's, I find it delicious to heat up 3 parts water 1 part soy milk, and then steap the chai tea bag in the heated water...adding a sweetner if necessary.  This is a great treat for almost all food allergies, which is not all that common!  This very low calorie treat can be great warmed up for those chilly nights, or in an iced version for the upcoming hot summer days!
    I was at the grocery store today, and a few weeks ago I had seen a gluten free magazine.  Today when I was looking for it, I was not able to find it so I asked the closest worker if he knew if they carried any gluten free magazines.  To retell this as simply as possible, he simply laughed in my face, while saying "no, nah dont think we do."  Its eye opening how many people, even grown adults, are so unknowledgeable when it comes to dietary needs of 55% of our country.  This man also happened to be stocking the store shelves with food, which I see as quite ironic.  I am so glad that this website and its followers will be able to start a revolution of informing and making others aware of our lifestyles.


May 23, 2012

    I am a firm believer that breakfast is truly the most important meal of the day.  This said, I find it extremely important that I eat a hardy and filling meal to start my day off right.  Oatmeal is always a good it is a quick and easy meal to make.  Not all Celiac's or gluten intolerant people are able to stomach the oats though, but I have found that eating oatmeal does not make me feel sick (knock on wood).  If you are like me and are able to include this complex carb into your diet, I suggest topping it with fresh cut up fruit, such as bananas, strawberries, peaches, apples or blueberries, and then topping it off with soy milk!  For a sweeter treat, trying sprinkling brown sugar and crushed walnuts over the top...YUM!  Another delicious gluten free breakfast, is a two egg omelet topped with your cheese of choice, on top of a toasted gluten free english muffin...adding a piece or two of turkey bacon every once in a while is always a good touch as well!  This gluten free egg sandwich is a nutritious and delicious way to begin any day.  Another great, quick breakfast is a yogurt parfait.  Check to make sure your yogurt of choice is gluten free.  I start off with scooping a fruit or vanilla based greek or regular yogurt at the bottom of a bowl, and top with a few small spoonfuls of low fat cottage cheese.  Then, I add (either) gluten free granola or cereal, and top with delicious fresh fruit!  This is such a great tasting treat, you will want to come back for more!
    On a quicker note, I have found it truly pays to keep informing people of your food intolerance whenever it slips their mind in certain social food situations, because eventually they will remember!  Knowing that all of my friends and family are here to support me through whatever obstacles I may face is all I could ever ask for!


May 21, 2012

So for any of you gluten free people out there, I know that it can be very difficult when trying to find a portable, delicious, and nutritious snack.  Over these past couple of months, I have discovered some wonderfully good tasting snacks that can be brought with you just about anywhere!
-whole fruit 
-cut up veggies & pieces of gluten free tortilla with hummus
-trail mix...the chocolate nut kind is great!
-100 calorie almond packs - I prefer the dark chocolate roasted ones, they taste like a dessert so watch out!
-string cheese
-mini cottage cheese & yogurt cups
-dried fruit
-Luna bars (check the labels, but many of them are purely just SOY!)
-"Kind" granola bars (gluten free, vegan, etc.)
-laughing cow cheese and gluten free crackers
-bbq or ranch rice cakes
-plain rice cakes topped with a small amount of natural peanut butter with banana slices or low fat cream cheese

Hope this helps the next time you are looking for a quick snack!




May 19, 2012

Gluten Free is the New Black...The Beginning  
Growing up, I had no allergies, would try any  new food whenever the opportunity arose, and never got sick.  However, in the fall of 2011 I started to
feel sick ALL the time.  Week by week, I would exclude a food group from my diet one by one...first I removed all dairy, then citrus/dense fruits and vegetables, nuts, then any artificial sugar, I even took out meat for a short while.  After months of trial and error, I decided that I should probably try taking out gluten/wheat/whole know, just to see what would happen.  I was in denial that I could potentially be THAT KID that cant have any bread product.  Well, what do you know, just a matter of days after removing the grains food group from my diet, I felt like a new person!  I had an unbelievable amount of energy, was never tired, my headaches went away, and so did my sharp stomach pains.  I then wanted to confirm my self diagnoses, so I went to visit my doctor, who validated that I did in fact have a gluten intolerance.  I was advised to get blood work done to see if this intolerance could possibly be Celiac's disease (a much more severe form of a gluten intolerance)...when I heard this I was heartbroken, because this meant that I would need to incorporate gluten back INTO my diet!  I tried eating small amounts for a few days, but ended up not being able to continue with this, so my test results were obviously inaccurate due to my lack of gluten in my system.  I could not bear to go back to the pain and sickness I had experienced, and I was definely not going to intentionally make myself sick for this one test.  It has been quite a journey, but as someone who is an avid lover of all things nutrition and exercise, I embrace my intolerance, and when people criticize my lifestyle or state how 'impossible' it must be, I use this opportunity to educate them on the truth behind what a gluten intolerance/Celiac's disease truly is...its not something you can stop doing one day and be fine, its a lifestyle change.  However, I believe that gluten free is the new black! Everywhere I go, it seems 'gluten free' labels and products seem to be popping up!  With a variety of english muffins, pasta, soups, cookies, crackers, and many more things that I can eat without making my body sick, there is no question that this way of life will be something that I will live with the rest of my life.  I have created this website to help educate others on all I have learned, and intend to create an online message board where viewers can connect with other people who have their same intolerances or restrictions (vegan, etc).  This website is for anyone with a dietary restriction or allergy, to help you all live the most normal life possible!  Everybody deserves to eat delicious food without making their body sick!