Put Your Game Face On.

08/15/2012 20:25

It amazes me how many people, now that I'm not a vegan anymore, completely disregard the fact that I physically cannot eat gluten- not by choice, but because my body just simply rejects it. I have to say though; I don’t miss bread, wheat, or gluten products one bit however. I feel my life is so much more enriched, and I have gotten to broaden my food pallet by not being able to consume the bland food group: bread.


I have the same concerns as any other young person with a dietary obstacle to overcome: What do I do if there’s nothing to eat at my friends party? What if people think I'm just too healthy or too good to have a piece of that deep dish cheese pizza? What if I forget to pack some nuts or a bag of veggies before I go to school and I starve myself to death [because school cafeterias dont cater to people who can’t eat particular food groups]? What if people think I'm obsessed with my gluten allergy because it seems that that’s all I ever talk about & have to explain to people, no matter where I am or what I'm doing. And the golden question: why am I not in Red Carpet-worthy shape...because after all, Kim Kardashian and Miley Cyrus claim eliminating gluten is what transformed their bodies.


Ah, the list goes on. But at some point we must accept the hand we have been dealt, push forth, and do amazing things as the strong, gifted people we all are. Letting go of all worries I had attached to being gluten intolerant was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I focus on all the things I DO have control over, and all the wonderful things I CAN eat, instead of focusing on the "negatives." Some of my obsessions currently include: Good Earth 'Sweet & Spicy' tea, EXTRA sugar-free gum, yogurt and cottage cheese parfait, cut up veggies and hummus, and string cheese!


Life is just too gosh darn short to not enjoy ourselves, as well as mother nature’s delicious gifts! Currently, I am working in the kitchen at a language immersion camp. I am in charge of the special dietary needs menu, where I get to come up with delicious dishes that are inspired from cultures all over the world. I am a true believer that no matter who you are or what your dietary needs may entail, there is absolutely no reason why everyone shouldn't have the opportunity to enjoy foods that are good and healthy for each individuals own body! I am having the time of my life creating an array of new and exciting dishes for hundreds of people each day. There is truly nothing better than seeing someone’s face light up when they see a delicious meal you have made, that they are able to eat without worrying if it will make them sick!


We all have different causes we believe in, but for me, cooking edible meals for every type of person out there is my passion. That is why I have created Naturally-Freed...it gives the chance for myself and followers alike to join in the mission to make sure no one goes hungry!


And remember, when all else fails- put your game face on, and hold your head up high!

